Private Training with a Pro Coach

Below is a listing of MVSC Professional Coaches who offer private training sessions.  Private training sessions are independent of MVSC.

A Pro Coach can help create and oversee Individual Development Programs for motivated soccer players.

Please keep in mind US Club Soccer's Athlete and Participant Safety/Risk Management Policies, which include:

Adults are not permitted to communicate privately via electronic communications with amateur athletes who are minors, except under emergency circumstances.

I.e., Adults should not provide video sessions with a minor, unless a parent or other children are present.

Coaching rates vary.  Please ask instructor before booking.  Coaches' e-mail address can be found by clicking on their Bios


If a coach, as an independent contractor, conducts private training sessions outside of MVSC, we strongly recommend that they do this outside of Mill Valley Park and Recreational fields.  Any permit fees and insurance requirements for these field spaces should be secured by the contractor independently from MVSC. The contractor performing this work is not considered a representative of MVSC and is not covered by insurance through MVSC.  Contractors conducting private trainings should not wear any club gear nor represent themselves as MVSC staff in this regard.