June Competitive Summer Camp FAQ

Camp Format 

  • Camp will run for 3 weeks, from June 15-July 3.
  • Players will be placed in a group with no more than 12 participants.  Players will remain in the same group for the duration of the three-week period, with no interaction with other groups.
  • Campers will get to play soccer!  Social distancing is not required within each cohort, assuming that all other guidelines are followed.
  • Individuals who join camp cannot participate in any other camp or organized group for the duration of the three-week period.
  • One or more MVSC Professional Coaches will be assigned to each group, and will work with only that group during the three-week period.
  • Camps will be at Alto Field in Mill Valley.  Alto will be divided into a maximum of four sections to allow for up to four camp groups during each camp session.

For more information about the guidelines that govern our camp, please see Marin County Public Health’s guidelines for Sports Camps


How will players be placed in groups?  Will groups interact, play together or compete against each other during camp?

Each player will be placed in a group of no more than 12 players staffed with one or more MVSC professional coaches, and will remain in that same group for the duration of camp. There will be no interaction or sharing of coaches between groups. After assessing player interest and field/coach availability, MVSC will form groups consisting of teammates and players of similar age and ability.

Can we request a group change?

Due to the restrictions in the County health guidelines, it is unlikely we will be able to accommodate any group changes. Once camp begins, switching groups is not allowed.

Can players enroll in another camp running at the same time as MVSC’s camp?

No. Players cannot join another camp or organized group during the same three-week period.

Where will camp be held? Are bathrooms and water refill stations or drinking fountains available?

Camp will be at Alto Field, which will be divided into designated spaces for each camp group (up to a maximum of four groups during a camp session). There are bathrooms, which will be staffed by an attendant and sanitized after each use. There are no water refill stations or drinking fountains, so players should bring plenty of water in labeled containers.

Will there be game play and physical contact?

Yes, there will be game play and potential physical contact, which is allowed under the County health guidelines. However, a portion of camp sessions will incorporate physical distance between players. Also, no physical contact will be allowed outside of game play or during break time (including handshakes, high fives, fist bumps, elbow bumps, huddles, group celebrations, and hugs).

What measures are you implementing to help reduce the risk of Covid-19 transmission?

  • Daily contactless temperature checks for players, coaches and staff
  • Hand sanitizer available to all players, coaches and staff
  • Staggered start and end times
  • Designated field space for each group using fencing; no more than four groups in each session
  • Physical distancing measures incorporated into arrival/departure, breaks, and bathroom use
  • Separate equipment for each group; equipment sanitized daily
  • No physical contact permitted outside of game play
  • No sharing of food or drinks
  • Cloth face coverings for coaches and staff, and for players over the age of 12 during arrival, departure and times of non-activity
  • Bathroom sanitized after each use and monitored by an attendant
  • Teach and reinforce hand-washing/sanitizing and good hygiene practices for coaches, staff and players

What if a player has symptoms of illness before or during camp?

Players who are sick or have a fever must stay home and notify MVSC. This includes when exhibiting symptoms of any illness, with or without fever. Any player whose temperature is 100°F or higher, or who is showing any signs of illness upon arriving at or during camp will not be allowed to participate.

Are carpools allowed?

Carpooling should be avoided.

Are there travel restrictions associated with camp?

Yes. We cannot accept any players that have engaged in any non-essential travel in the 14 days prior to the start of camp. In addition, we cannot accept any players back into camp that engage in non-essential travel at any time during the three-week camp period. 

What if my child can only attend one or two weeks of camp?  Can he or she still attend for the other week(s)?

We are asking for a commitment to participate in the full three-week camp period. If your player can only attend for some portion of camp, we will need to understand the reason (non-essential travel and participation in another camp are not allowed). We will also need to consider the number of players interested in camp from your child’s age group and their level of commitment. 
Due to the fact that players cannot be added to the group or changed during the three-week period, players must pay for the full three weeks whether or not they attend every session.

Is it ok to miss a few days over the course of the three-week camp period?

While we are asking for full commitment, we understand that players may have to miss a day or two of camp. Provided that absence is not due to non-essential travel or participation in another camp, it is likely fine. We would ask that you let us know the dates and reason for absence, in advance if possible.

Are parents allowed to watch?

No. Parents and guardians are not allowed to enter the field, and should keep at least 6 feet of distance from any other person during drop-off and pick-up and avoid congregating in parking areas.

The cost seems high -- why $750?

Camp costs cover coaching expenses, additional support staff needed to implement measures required by health guidelines, field rentals, and traditional administrative expenses. In addition, MVSC is required to invest in a long list of additional, non-traditional equipment such as barrier fencing, disinfecting equipment, medical tools and supplies, and more. The net result for a three week camp is approximately $16.60 per hour, which we view as a reasonable cost.

Will MVSC offer summer camps for Recreational and Development players?

MVSC is offering a June camp for competitive players.  MVSC is looking into the possibility of planning camps that are open to Rec and Dev players during July.  However, at this time, we have not been assured of access to field space from Mill Valley Parks & Rec.  We should know more by the end of June, which will allow us more time to plan for camps that involve pooling players without pre-existing groups, given the many restrictions and requirements mandated by the new camp structure.  Please look for follow-up announcements from MVSC as we explore the feasibility of open camps in July.